The broadband ratings site I built a while ago, exceeded 100 reviews today. Here's the roundup: Position ISP Reviews Rating out of 5 Top of the League Smart Telecom 7 4/5 stars Second place Magnet 5 3.5 stars Bronze...
Behold; random whacky photo number one: And also for you delectation, random whacky photo number two: But wait, it get's better, they're both from the same photo. No! A bronze god and a car in a tree, in the one...
"He lifted her bloodied head - eyes gouged out, bedroom door ajar, then looked inside, prised the knife from her hand and repeated the act." I thought I'd have a go at a twitter sized (140 characters) short story during...
I bought a foot spa a couple of years ago. See I've garnered this odd affliction, where standing still for any amount of time kills my feet and leaves me utterly exhausted and fatigued for hours. Walking isn't a problem....
I'm definitely like a bus when it comes to blogging, have been quiet for a while and then 3 posts today. All my free time in the last week or so have been spent on building a new site:
(If you have no interest in reading lot's of web design stuff, you could just jump straight to the why upgrade? bit.) I've noticed a growing campaign among web folk to stop supporting Internet Explore 6 lately: Elliot Jay Stocks...
Rant, rave, fume, spit. I am so sick of web sites who say they deliver to Ireland, then don't let you proceed without a valid UK postcode. This is 2008. Sort it out! Don't make me fill out a big...
A couple of freaky creatures have popped up in the last couple of days. This creature was apparently found washed ashore at Montauk: LOLed over at Irish stu And this thing was caught trying to escape from the big brother...
So I was looking for a physio in Swords when I came upon I didn't expect to get such immediate instruction. I rolled over - but I didn't feel any better. So I rolled the other way. No good....