I have a confession. I'm an avid internet user but I despise chat. Am I alone? I dropped into Facebook a while ago and a chat window popped up. "WASSUP Dude?!" said a guy I used to work with but...
This post is both for people with web design experience but who haven’t yet used Wordpress and it might be useful for regular Joes or small companies who want to install a default Wordpress blog engine on a site at...
Anyone remember [the.path]? You still out there Kev? [the.path] was a free Dublin zine, mostly handed out at clubs and record shops. There was a piece on the online version that struck a chord with me and I've often thought...
Cubescape has been doing the rounds for the last week or so. Give it a try if you like building things with blocks. "A tool for isometric jiggery pokery" is how Themaninblue puts it. Here are some of his favourites....
Boston dynamics have created this amazing robot dog. And while the dog's ears are hardly wet, there's already a hilarious parody by David Fine, and Beau Lewis, the guys who did the Mac or PC rap.
Here's a great plug-in for your browser. It's called Piclens, installs in the blink of an eye and works great. It's a photo browser for sites like flickr, Picasa, and facebook. Searching through Google images is no longer a chore....
I got sent this clip years ago, pre-youtube. I downloaded it and watched it again and again. There's something strangely addictive about it. I think its got less to do with the surprise of a buttoned-up choir boy being able...
This is hilarious. It's the kind of situation I could easily imagine myself getting into. Jess Fink, a renowned illustrator and cartoonist has had a few weird interactions with an odd neighbour in her apartment block. She's been documenting the...
Voting is now open for the New Humanist's bad faith awards. I think Chuck Norris is a clear winner. He said if he was a president he would tattoo an American flag with the words 'In God we trust' on...