web design

Quincy M.E. and Cameron Diaz doing the La Bamba
Pun intended : you may or may not remember that I have a particular interest in memory. If you read this post you can see why my interest would be piqued by a review of a book called "Moonwalking with Einstein...
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Upsy Downy Spinny Roundy
Ever wondered what it would be like to turn part of someone's face upside down and then spin it round and round? I can't think why, but you've come to the right place. See Upsy Downy Spinny Roundy.
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I recently re-designed the company website: www.sitecaddy.com, which has gone live along with a special offer; free hosting, content management and marketing tools for a year. The free offer is worth about €1500. The consultation and design isn't free; the...
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Bye Blogger!
Have been meaning to move from the piece of shit Blogger over to Wordpress for ages now. The only thing that was delaying me was that I wanted to re-design the whole site but could just never get around to...
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Photoshop workflow tip for web designers
Here's something I've started using a while ago that's very handy; If you're a web designer and do a lot of your graphics in photoshop then like me, you'll probably use Save for the Web a hundred times more than...
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Surviving Redundancy
ROLL THE DRUMS; So, I survived redundancy by building www.survivingredundancy.ie. BUM TISH!! Was a bit of a dream contract actually. Forget about quotes and estimates and all that annoying stuff that usually comes with contract web design; just come in...
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Macro Man!
This is a long techy post but don’t click 'next' just yet! it could make your working life a hell of a lot easier. You know computers are supposed to make your working life easier not harder right? But it...
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Recruitment site fail
I often come across some really bad examples of interactive web sites. But some really stick their head above the paraphet and beg to be made an example of. If you go to recruitment.ie, you are redirected to http://www.sharewatch.com/RECRUITMENT.php. This...
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New site: Rate my isp
I'm definitely like a bus when it comes to blogging, have been quiet for a while and then 3 posts today. All my free time in the last week or so have been spent on building a new site: www.ratemyisp.ie....
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Upgrade yer auld Browser!
(If you have no interest in reading lot's of web design stuff, you could just jump straight to the why upgrade? bit.) I've noticed a growing campaign among web folk to stop supporting Internet Explore 6 lately: Elliot Jay Stocks...
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