Rant, rave, fume, spit. I am so sick of web sites who say they deliver to Ireland, then don't let you proceed without a valid UK postcode. This is 2008. Sort it out! Don't make me fill out a big...
This post is both for people with web design experience but who haven’t yet used Wordpress and it might be useful for regular Joes or small companies who want to install a default Wordpress blog engine on a site at...
I've been frantically working on a website for the missus in time for her imminent book launch. The new site is www.makingbabies.ie and it went live today. All feedback welcome. Will be re-doing the background/header imagery. Few people already saying...
I've had to lock up RTE NL for crimes against web design. Just what were they thinking? Scrolling text that would give a speed-reader a creak in the neck and no way to stop it from scrolling. That's the worst...
Congratulations to The Missus for winning 'best in blogging' at the Digital Media Awards. We almost didn't even go. Couldn't afford neither tux nor tickets. But we were afforded free tickets at the last minute, and found a tux I...
It's about time I got with the program and added a blogroll. So here's most of the blogs I read in my feedreeder. If you don't use a feedreeder, get with the program! Why go to the post office to...
I've thrown in the towel on trying to get Sifr headings to appear behind my dropdowns. I'd prefer to have plain old text headings and be able to navigate the site thanks very much. Sifr and z-index just don't want...
A few of the dealer sites I did, have eventually gone live. I did these about six months ago. Offices eh? Moore's Garage http://mooresgarage.ie Billy Barron Motorcycles http://www.barronbikes.com Semi fluid layout, the navigation buttons resize as the browser window is...
I'm liking the latest addition to my Google reader; The Designed Tree. It's a frequently updated blog, with every post featuring a well designed site, hilighting the sites best features. It's also an Irish based site and seems to be...