
Quincy M.E. and Cameron Diaz doing the La Bamba
Pun intended : you may or may not remember that I have a particular interest in memory. If you read this post you can see why my interest would be piqued by a review of a book called "Moonwalking with Einstein...
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Some Stuff, Wotsits and Thingy’s from Zefrank
I'm subscribed to the Ted Talks podcast, so every couple of nights I watch one of the talks in bed. And as much as I love them in general, I have to be honest, I'm getting really bored with the...
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Upsy Downy Spinny Roundy
Ever wondered what it would be like to turn part of someone's face upside down and then spin it round and round? I can't think why, but you've come to the right place. See Upsy Downy Spinny Roundy.
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Life password overhaul
So you've been building up a long list of login/passwords for years now and most likely use a life password for a lot of sites, like most people who don't want to be driven crazy trying to remember a 100...
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Facebook 419 Scam
Had a bit of high drama today. My Facebook account got hacked by a scammer. I got an email from Facebook asking me to confirm the change to my email address. I knew straight away I'd been hacked. When I...
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Bye Blogger!
Have been meaning to move from the piece of shit Blogger over to Wordpress for ages now. The only thing that was delaying me was that I wanted to re-design the whole site but could just never get around to...
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Online payments site
A friend has set up a new informational site about web payments. Everything you need to know about online payment systems. So if you want to start selling something on your site and you want to give your customers some...
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My desk
As featured on desked today, that's me at some very important work yesterday.
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Creepy voice: I see DEAD links
It's official. I spend too much time with my brain directly connected to the Internet. See I've garnered this uncanny ability - hold on, stop everything, "garnered!?" where the hell did you pick that up? is it even a word!?...
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Voting is now open at Storyland. Five months ago the call went out for new and established programme makers with exciting ideas to take part in a unique web drama competition. The talented finalists have produced some brilliant content with...
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