
Memrise – Sharing the love!
Some fads come and some fads go but it’s nearly 4 years now since I started using Memrise, and it’s still my favourite web site and the one I spend more time on than any other. I consider it my favourite waste of...
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Quincy M.E. and Cameron Diaz doing the La Bamba
Pun intended : you may or may not remember that I have a particular interest in memory. If you read this post you can see why my interest would be piqued by a review of a book called "Moonwalking with Einstein...
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Tricks of the mind
TV. I spend a lot of time giving out about it. That soul-eating suckbox sitting in the corner, dominating all your senses. Slowly eating your life. Hours where you could be making, creating, living, loving. Or even depleting the long...
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The Persistence of Memory
A few years ago I got sick of having a terrible memory. I've since nailed it down to a slightly bizarre portion of bad memory in that I can't for the life of me remember proper nouns; pubs, shops, roads,...
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