
Please don’t say you drive a Morris Minor
On census day PLEASE don't say you drive a Morris Minor unless you really do. Because then you're forcing the rest of us into Morris Minors whether we like it or not. And a lot of us really don't want...
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Images of the day
I might have uttered similar mutterings before; people always talk about blogs in terms of the quality of writing and other such piffle that we won't bother ourselves with today. A lot of my favourite blogs contain few words, and...
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Free download: My soul
Free download: My soul, originally uploaded by jbraine.
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Hallelujah! It's official. The final piece of documentation has arrived. "Dear Mr. Braine, I wish to inform you that your request to cease from membership of the Catholic Church by a formal act of defection has been recognised". I feel...
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Count me out
A friend of mine became a hero when he told me the lengths he went to to officially leave the catholic church years ago. That makes it sound like he was a priest. Nope, the Church still count you as...
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A hero speaks
I can't believe this only has 1000 or so views on youtube. Everyone should see this.  Michael O'Brien unleashes a heartfelt anger on questions and answers expressing the rage that the nation are feeling. I don't think I could do...
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Three weeks to eternal damnation
I got the email below today. I wouldn't give this the time of day and I couldn't be arsed retorting but for the last line; too funny not to share. It's the fine details that separate the common garden nutjob...
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Moral crusaders
The missus has been invited on to Seoige today to debate with David Quinn of The Iona Institute about FertilityCare, a fertility clinic in Galway, who only treat married couples. Only in Ireland can you get away with religious morals...
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When worlds collide
Bill O'Reilly is one of the most detestable characters I've ever come across. Surely you've seen him being a total dick about an autocue, or being hostile to many guests. See this clip from Outfoxed for a prime example. I've...
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Son of a preacher man
What a plank. I'm going to arm myself with one hundred quid and go looking for him. As soon as he starts I'm going to stand up and say "I'll give 100 euro to anyone who can prove they are...
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