Surviving Redundancy

ROLL THE DRUMS; So, I survived redundancy by building BUM TISH!!

Was a bit of a dream contract actually. Forget about quotes and estimates and all that annoying stuff that usually comes with contract web design; just come in and work for me until the site is finished. Anything you need me to buy for you? Photoshop, Dreamweaver, a second monitor, 2 extra gigs of ram. Grand; done. And then I will listen very carefully to all your advice, after all, you’re the expert.

What!? No! This isn’t supposed to happen. You’re supposed to ask me for a quote, based on a vague idea. Then I underquote myself. Then you ask for 10 extra sections, a CMS and loads of redesigns while refusing to pay a penny over the quote that. And for in-house work, you’re supposed to give me some old hand-me-down office PC that’s bloated with so many previous-owner-profiles, that it takes 47 minutes just to load the desktop wallpaper. You want software!? Ha! You better get on to piratebay while you still can.

So, yes bit of a dream contract. Therefore I’d happily recommend their services. Check it out: Surviving Redundancy, lots of articles, a forum, and services like interview training and CV advice.

I pretty much finished up with that yesterday and today, having started a new job, I’m back where I feel safest; in the land of permanent employment, and after seeing how scary it is out there, I feel mighty lucky.

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