Photoshop workflow tip for web designers

Here’s something I’ve started using a while ago that’s very handy; If you’re a web designer and do a lot of your graphics in photoshop then like me, you’ll probably use Save for the Web a hundred times more than you use Save.

The workflow for this has always been a bit clunky in Photoshop. There isn’t a shortcut for it – and actions don’t really cut it. Well there is a shortcut but try doing lots of Alt+Shift+Ctrl+S without breaking your arms. The simple solution is to swap around your shortcuts so you can just hit Ctrl+S to Save for Web.

Go to Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts > File, then scroll down to Save for Web and change it to Ctrl+S. Then you’ll need to change Save to Alt+Shift+Ctrl+S. Now to save for the web you can just press Ctrl+S and then hit enter. Now and then you’ll need to change file type or location but mostly you can just hit enter.

Another handy workflow tip using shortcuts is to get your Undos working like most programs. Open up the shortcuts again and change Step Backward to Ctrl+Z. And then change Undo/Redo to Alt+Ctrl+Z. Now you can undo like any other program, rather than that single undo. (You can change the number of undos by going to File > preferences > Performance > History & Cache).

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