No doubt this will be the most memed video ever, Weezer’s latest video features, nothing but memes, marketing genius.
No doubt this will be the most memed video ever, Weezer’s latest video features, nothing but memes, marketing genius.
Pun intended : you may or may not remember that I have a particular interest...
A friend from college who I did the final year project with just sent me...
I'm subscribed to the Ted Talks podcast, so every couple of nights I watch one...
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May 24, 2008, 12:39 pm
Fantastic! Good find!
May 24, 2008, 2:48 pm
Best video since the muppet one from Maladroit.
Best single since Island in the Sun off Green.
Best album since Pinkerton.
Album of the year in my opinion, so far. Love it, love it, love it.
May 25, 2008, 7:38 pm
I must pick up the album so.
May 26, 2008, 12:49 am
Absolutely excellent. Had a good go at trying to guess all the inspirations/sources – I’d say I got about 15?
May 26, 2008, 3:43 pm
Not out yet John.
8/10 songs leaked, there’s a “review” in one of my Sunday posts.