
I'm very proud to discover that I'm top of the list on google.ie for the phrase teabagging. Had a look around to see could I find anything amusing myself. The Wikipedia entry is tame enough but it's alightly amusing to...
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RANT: Services in Ireland
I'm so sick of the service you get in this country. Yesterday we were in the Blanchardstown Petshop Superstore looking for an aquarium. That's what junior wants from the Ho Ho Ho guy. We were waiting for someone to talk...
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Alive and kicking
Fi beat me to it but after a very long time trying to get to this point, we have a baby with a heart beat. I took this video with my phone, and the sending directly to youtube from phone...
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Accident on O’Connell street
Bit shaken today. I was walking up O'Connell street this morning on the way to the LUAS, walking in the middle as always to avoid the crowds and the paper pushers. Just past the Spire I see this big truck...
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I grew up with a guy called Corky, who was named after a weird deformity that made his left leg spiral around like a corkscrew. He walked with the strangest limp you'll ever see, his left leg kind of twirled...
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The Persistence of Memory
A few years ago I got sick of having a terrible memory. I've since nailed it down to a slightly bizarre portion of bad memory in that I can't for the life of me remember proper nouns; pubs, shops, roads,...
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On my brief trip between Luas seat and office chair this morn I felt myself brimming with happiness and excitement. My head was fizzing with thoughts of foreign lands and strange new exciting people. And the adventure was afoot! What...
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Embra Fringe 2007
I went over to Edinburgh for the weekend. That's my third long weekend in a row, yeehaw. Don't know how I'll cope with a 5 day week next week. Have wanted to go over to the fringe for ages and...
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What a great place Stockholm is. There's no big wow factor but you start to notice small things. No traffic. Kids free everywhere. Everybody very polite, not to mention brown-skinned, blue eyed and blonde. Get this, in Sweden, a couple...
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A dolphin obituary
You know when a famous person dies and and there's an outpouring of grief and respect, the odd RIP email here and there. Well there's another 6 Billion of us, and growing, so who cares? It's a much greater loss...
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