On my brief trip between Luas seat and office chair this morn I felt myself brimming with happiness and excitement. My head was fizzing with thoughts of foreign lands and strange new exciting people. And the adventure was afoot! What the fuck is wrong with me thought I? I know it’s Friday but I’m walking through a grey industrial estate. I should be Les Miserables.
Then it dawned on me these thoughts were just a hangover from the book I was absorbed in en route, Shantaram. Wow! Powerful stuff this reading business. Haven’t read a novel in ages. Non-fiction has been floating my boat for some time. Welcome back my old friends, Fantasy and Escape. I’ve missed you. But then I got to the canteen and had to stand behind some idiot for a whole minute as she stirred her coffee cup in that exact place where I needed to place my cup and scald my teabag. Argh! How stupid is that. Can’t you see I’m standing beside you with this cup for a reason? Wipe that stupid smile off your face , and get the fuck already! The swirling aromas of Bombay and dark eyes of mysterious girls flitted away and Grumpy Old Young Man was back with a thump.
August 31, 2007, 6:20 pm
Oh no. Please take a moment to read said book before putting your key in the door, darling.
September 5, 2007, 10:55 pm
be warned it can get very purple in prose – how many ways can you describe green eyes???!!! Great read, though. You should join the ‘I secretly want to punch slow people in the head’ group in facebook – one of the biggest!
September 25, 2007, 10:26 pm
excellent book – once you avoid the annoying philosphy bits and the lovesick puppy descriptions of women! i’m looking forward to the movie.
September 26, 2007, 9:10 am
Yeah it’s an odd read, love some bits and other bits are total (purple) pants. I’m finding it very distracting reading something that’s is-it-or-isn’t-it-real-or-fiction? Not sure what I’m reading. And it’s fecking long! Haven’t read an epic in years.
September 26, 2007, 10:35 pm
he has a website – check it out after you’ve finished the book. It gives the rest of his life story but would ruin the book.
March 1, 2010, 1:56 pm