
Cuimhnigh an bainne
Remember the milk for Irish phones.... I think this is pretty cool; you can connect Remember The Milk(RTM) and Twitter to your phone so that you can use Twitter or a text to send tasks to RTM. And then RTM...
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Owl on the M1?
I was on a bus yesterday and spotted this funny arrangement of trees. It was at the first M1/M50 roundabout coming from the airport. From the bus I thought that was an X in the middle, but I had a...
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The Italian job planet of the apes
The Italian job planet of the apes, originally uploaded by jbraine.
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"Good sense of humour". Bit of a pointless phrase really isn't it? What people actually mean is "someone with the same sense of humour as me". Which could be anything: Someone with really wry dark sense of humour? Someone who...
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Spun out
I entered a competition for an ipad today on spunout.ie thinking it'd be a quick questionaire that I could bluff my way through - but I stopped making an effort towards the end. Don't think I'll win somehow.
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e-flow reminder
I've made an e-flow reminder to avoid paying those extortionate fees when you forget to pay the toll. When you pass a toll, take it out of your glove box and stick it on your dashboard. Prints onto a 4x6"...
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Ninja Paxman
The video below is doing the rounds at moment, just because Paxman gets lashed out of it for a change. Call me childish but I find it much more amusing that he's a ninja for the first 3 seconds.
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A legend dies
Derek "Crosaire" Crozier died over the weekend. I made sure to get a paper yesterday and was determined to finish it but alas I didn't quite make it. No other crossword comes close to the elegance of the Crosaire. But...
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Upsy Downy Spinny Roundy
Ever wondered what it would be like to turn part of someone's face upside down and then spin it round and round? I can't think why, but you've come to the right place. See Upsy Downy Spinny Roundy.
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Not worth the paper it’s printed on
halifax, originally uploaded by jbraine. See full size.
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