
3 frames
This is one from the I wish I'd thought of that but it's still fun to copy category: Take 3 frames from a movie and make an animated gif. If you're going to have a go, don't go looking for...
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The Shawshank Redemption
I've been to far too few plays in my life. Something I'd love to remedy but time and money can be impeding factors. So I'm not exactly equipped to review plays. However, several things I learned tonight. Watching a play...
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Facemask for Swine flu
facemask-for-swineflu, originally uploaded by jbraine.
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waterspray, originally uploaded by jbraine.
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My other blog’s a lada
Looks like this is promote my own sites week; after a long lull www.beatingrsi - practical tips for beating rsi is now up to a gargantuan total of 20 posts! Stop clicking; Use Launchy Save your arms with macros and...
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Flickr, originally uploaded by jbraine.
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I wish my wife was this dirty
I wish my wife was this dirty, originally uploaded by jbraine.
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Brand + Merrion = Minchin
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Elephant pants
Elephant pants, originally uploaded by jbraine. On the way back from lunch I saw a girl wearing one of those t-shirts that looked like someone left muddy handprints over her booba loobies. Got to thinking of an equivelant design for...
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Fly porn
flyporn0, originally uploaded by jbraine.
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