Big Brother, originally uploaded by gingerpixel. Thanks again to Claire for her great work. I love this shot. Was nice to get these done at the relaxed environs of a friend's house. And Anna stopped her crying marathon just in...
rocket-mask, originally uploaded by jbraine. Tiger mask? Cool yeah I'll help you cut it out.Scary monster mask? Great. Where's the string? Rocket mask? You haven't quite grasped the concept of this mask-making lark have you son?
For all their failings, RTE have always been pretty good at supporting shorts. Dance on the box has been running for the past few weeks now, featuring four dance themed shorts. Big brother watches some street dancing in the last...
I am never ever going to drink wine, and then beer before going to a work do that has free cocktails! Knew that was a bad idea. Deceptively potent. Sick as a dog all day. Very drunk and silly last...