- The Ambassador’s skullYou know that famous anamorphic painting The Ambassadors? I was messing about with it in Flash and it's...
- Yesterdays newsYesterdays news, originally uploaded by jbraine. 30 September 2010. Toxic bank cement truck crashed into the air just...
- People & Power – Secrets and childrenDocumentary by a friend investigating allegations of neglect in Ireland's childcare system. Some HSE staff took big risks...
- Images of the dayI might have uttered similar mutterings before; people always talk about blogs in terms of the quality of...
- HIP HOPHIP HOP. Is there anything like it for sheer bloody awesomeness? For all the fantastic things it's given...
- Cuimhnigh an bainneRemember the milk for Irish phones.... I think this is pretty cool; you can connect Remember The Milk(RTM)...
- DJ Bass video mashupRemember the legendary DJ Bass from the Dublin Funk Collective way way back? He's living in Las Vegas...
- Paranormal ActivityWow. Just watched Paranormal Activity and found it genuinely scary. First time in years I can remember being...
- Owl on the M1?I was on a bus yesterday and spotted this funny arrangement of trees. It was at the first...