March 2008

Once upon a time in the midlands
I'm a big Shane Meadows fan. Even though he's only made six films and I've only seen four. I've mentioned him once or twice before. Once Upon a Time in the Midlands is doing the rounds on Film4 so I...
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Rhinos01, originally uploaded by jbraine. John Williams makes it look so easy.
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Snow Leopard
snow-leopard, originally uploaded by jbraine. Blogging directly from Flickr out of curiosity. I took this on Sunday.
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Pottering through butterflies
I found myself with a day off midweek that I didn't really need in the end, but I took it anyway. It just seemed too complicated to unbook it! So I got to potter around town. I can never decide...
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Kangaroo Dog
I saw a Kangaroo Dog in the Metro today. I couldn't find a photo on the interweb though. So I made my own. The one I saw was born with back legs only and hopped about like Skippy. Turns out...
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20 Rave Classics on Youtube
Just because it's been 20 years since the big 88, here's 20 Rave Classics I found on Youtube: I was planning to embed a lot more but the browser just can't handle the hardcore! Here's the rest (not all of...
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Shocked and stunned
I was shocked and stunned to win best newcomer at the Irish blog Awards last night... for this frivolous little thing. Really. I personally thought K8 the Great or Roy were going to win. Or any of the other great...
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