Flip up side ya head.

Random computer thingy:

Discovered this a while ago by accident and then forgot about it. But it just happened again. I think it’s because I have a dodgy keyboard with sticky keys. I probably should clean it – but the last time I took a keyboard apart to clean it, I had to type without any Ts or Us for weeks. Which was grea fn!

I haven’t mentioned what I’m on about yet have I? Well here it is. If you press CTRL + ALT + any of the arrow keys on your keyboard, you can rotate your screen left or right, or flip it upside down. Mental innit? Press CTRL + ALT + UP arrow for normality. Didn’t work? Must be only the newer machines. Only works in work for me. This can come in very handy if you have an upside down head.

this was just supposed to be a feature for Windows XP Tablet PC Edition but got carried through to standard intel machines.

Incidentally, I was going to add images of the shortcut keys before I caught a dose of The Laziness, but they weren’t as easy to find as I’d imagined. However I did stumble across some interesting paintings of keyboard keys.

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