OMG! I completely forgot about this childhood thing where I used to hang upside down and tell friends to look at my hair as if it’s a beard and my forehead as if it's a mouth.... Doesn’t that look hilarious?...
The Things They Carried (Audiobook) Written by Tim Obrien Usually after a few pages, or at least a chapter of a book, I know whether I’m going to like, love, or hate a book. In my experience it’s all down...
As you can see from the title, Fat Chance is about Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease. This book gets 5 stars from me, not because it I loved reading it so much, some of it was...
The response to Facebook updates always reminds me of some topics that I get to thinking about now and then: Different people learn new things, and adapt to new things, in very different ways. People are as different to each...
A friend from college who I did the final year project with just sent me the link to the video of the game we made together. Looks pretty cool! I posted a video of it before but this looks a...
"I got a letter from the government the other day, opened it, read it, it said they were suckers. They wanted me for their army or whatever. Imagine me giving a damn I said never." - Chuck D I've always...