There's a little gem doing the rounds on city channel at the moment. Keep an eye out for the Oxegen coverage that's currently on a loop. At one point Ray Shah is interviewing Alphabeat. It goes a little something like...
I have a confession. I'm an avid internet user but I despise chat. Am I alone? I dropped into Facebook a while ago and a chat window popped up. "WASSUP Dude?!" said a guy I used to work with but...
Save yourself money, queing and stabbing by staying one version behind the posse! As Grand Theft Auto IV hits the streets for a half a ton, I just nabbed a copy of GTA3 on ebay for a fiver. You gotta...
I was called up for jury service this week. The first thing anyone said to me when I mentioned it is “If you want out get out of it just blah blah blah”. What’s that all about? While not exactly...
I saw a Kangaroo Dog in the Metro today. I couldn't find a photo on the interweb though. So I made my own. The one I saw was born with back legs only and hopped about like Skippy. Turns out...
What happens when you give a four year old half a banana while you're trying to make pancakes? He thows it into the batter of course, you were just asking for it. Result? An accidental banana pancake. Score! Mmmmmm banana...