The Vodi

I’ve read a couple of my namesake’s novels over the years. But apparently “The Vodi” is an undiscovered masterpiece. In what context I don’t know. I’ve no idea what that message board is about. Though it does appear right under my favourite book ever in a Guardian top ten. So that’s that decided […] and I just got a copy for 39p on the Amazonian book forest!

I’ll report back soon – though I’m already in the middle of a ganzyload of books. I don’t know how I started doing this, wouldn’t have dreamt of it years ago. Starting a book before finishing another. I am currently reading:

Reading list

Which might seem like a bragging of sorts. But what I’m actually saying is that I’ve started all these books and haven’t managed to finish any of them.

  • Reply Annie

    May 1, 2009, 8:58 am

    How are you enjoying the Iain Banks one?

  • Reply John Braine

    May 1, 2009, 9:10 am

    Only about 70 pages in but so far so good. A friend (who’s also read most of banksy) read it recently and said it was pretty good. He does seem to like writing about Scottish Aristocrats with sprawling estates. That backdrop seems all too familiar. I like the big reference to ‘Player of Games’.

  • Reply irishstu

    May 1, 2009, 10:16 am

    You should check out my nicknamesake’s blog – – it is awesome. In a very scary way. I’ve always preffered Iain M Banks to Iain Banks.

  • Reply John Braine

    May 1, 2009, 12:26 pm

    Not too sure what that post is about Stu but the rest of his blog looks alright.

    I think Banksy has done equal amounts of good and bad stuff with and without the M. I love loads of both the sci-fi and fiction novels. But there are a few of both that are pretty forgettable too.

    Player of Games and Wasp Factory are my two favourite books (not just by him – but overall favourites).

  • Reply B

    May 10, 2009, 3:57 pm

    Dawkins is in the middle, it ain’t bragging.
    Sounds potentially interesting though.

  • Reply John Braine

    May 11, 2009, 9:25 am

    B; I’ve read most of that now. Has it’s really brilliant moments but is a bit academic in places. Asked myself why I was reading it at times. I think I expected it to be somewhere in between the ‘God Delusion’ and ‘A short history of almost everything’ which it’s not.

    I think science books have been spoiled for me by the brilliantly entertainining Bill Bryson.

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