
This is going to be one of those drunken posts that seemed like a great idea at the time but I’ll probably have to delete first thing in the morning.

I love those nights where you just end up somewhere, kind of on your own, almost randomly.

I was out for a last supper with people from work, all of us redundees. Had some grub, had some beer, then that was that. Was on my way home and had a look at twitter on my phone and saw some bloggers/twitterers were out for another one of those Soundcheck nights at Spy bar.

Cue me stumbling in there 10 minutes later, and recognising a gang of people via their blogger/twitter avatars, and introducing myself, one by one. And having a great craic. And dancing to random eighties poptastic stuff.

Randomness, gotta love it.

  • Reply red leeroy

    November 28, 2008, 10:54 am

    I never had the pleasure of meeting any Dublin bloggers. I don’t know if I could bring myself to shatter the myths in my mind.

  • Reply Justin Mason

    November 28, 2008, 11:40 am

    damn! I went to the early drinks, but left before Soundcheck…

  • Reply Del

    November 28, 2008, 8:47 pm

    Twitter. Is it worth getting into it? Never really thought about it.

  • Reply Darren

    December 1, 2008, 1:46 pm

    And I am so glad you had your random night. It was a pleasure meeting and chatting with you, Sir. Brilliant. We’ll have another few pints again, I’m sure.

  • Reply John Braine

    December 1, 2008, 8:25 pm

    Leeroy, I think I met a lot of bloggers before I had a blog.

    Justin, ah, pity, probably, missed you for local pints the next day too.

    Hi Del
    Yeah I like it. It’s got the right amount of everything. Somewhere between chat and a forum but concise, always live, and you get to pick who you read.

    Hi Darren.
    Please was all mine. Great meeting the bratpack of blogging 🙂

    You should just give it a try and if you don’t like it leave it,

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