Found this ‘ride token’ in my pocket. It’s from Funtasia in Bettystown. Now if I was single and the kinda guy that used cheesey chatup lines… just saying… if!
Found this ‘ride token’ in my pocket. It’s from Funtasia in Bettystown. Now if I was single and the kinda guy that used cheesey chatup lines… just saying… if!
I might have uttered similar mutterings before; people always talk about blogs in terms of...
I only just discovered that you can view a Flickr search result as a slideshow....
Robot, originally uploaded by jbraine. Test post for posting to Wordpress directly from Flickr. Was...
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September 8, 2008, 5:40 pm
(Runs straight off to pitch the idea to the Amsterdam city council)
September 9, 2008, 3:13 am
Do you have that chatup line patented? Just wondering…
xbox: that’d launch the biggest coin forgery scandals in history
“this one fella came in one day with 3000 free rides, cleared out all our stock for the day”
September 11, 2008, 6:11 pm
how much do ya want for the coin? lol
March 24, 2013, 4:25 am
Lol.. I have one of them too… could do with a chat up line for it!!!