The Circle is Google, Facebook, Apple and Twitter rolled into 1 and turned up to 11. It’s a parody of social media and it’s a parody of society in general. Or at least the portion of society that is addicted to screens and social media, and the internet (guilty!). And it’s a very tongue-in-cheek, and very current, commentary on privacy. It’s also really good fun.
I think you need the right approach to enjoy it though. I often get annoyed with books that don’t have authentic characters. But if the main characters in this book behaved authentically, then the whole story would fall flat.
It’s mostly a great, fun read. But it hits a few bumps along the way: Many conversations in The Circle are in the form of an interrogation between the protaganist, Mae, and other employees, behind a wall of passive aggression and office politics. These conversations are of course supposed to be grating but it got a bit much and the grating really ramped up when the whole book turned into a hi tech version of The Truman show. All the dialogue from then on was purely for-the-cameras falseness. And there was no reprieve from this.
But on the whole really good fun that really takes the piss of hi-tech hammock companies.
1984 v2.0