Irish Blog awards 2009

Just a quick one on the blog awards while I get a chance. What a cracking night. There was something in the air as soon as we arrived. Great atmosphere and good spirits all around. Really was a cracker. The production of the whole night was top notch.

Great to see some people win that who I always root for; k8 and Annie; both highly entertaining writers.

And congrats to Tommy for winning best newcomer (which I got last year), I hand you my tiara Tommy.

And congrats too to Justin Mason; best technology blogger, who I occasionaly sip ales with and was supposed to collect the award for – but I got stage fright and sent the missus up!

And the morning after, as I held my throbbing head, I had to deal with the mocking and dissaproving looks from these two:

  • Reply dorothy

    February 24, 2009, 2:19 pm

    cracking shot! Thankfully fire engines can’t look at you with such contempt. Good old gender boundaries!

  • Reply K8 the Gr8

    February 24, 2009, 7:56 pm

    Ah yes… the disapproving looks – I had them in spades 🙂 So worth it though.

  • Reply Sharon

    February 24, 2009, 8:34 pm

    Wow, way to make dolly look scary! Your baby is so cute. I hope she had a good night while you were out partying. It was good to see you again and to meet your gorgeous wife.

  • Reply Xbox4NappyRash

    February 25, 2009, 12:07 am

    great shot that.

    And I am jealous to the point of being flammable.

  • Reply John Braine

    February 25, 2009, 11:37 am

    Sorry xbox. This is usually a baby free zone. You were all the talk at the awards, everyone was wishing you were there and you got big cheers from everyone, including us of course. See you next year!

    Thank’s Dor. A fire engine in the head can be very sore though.

    Hi Sharon – yeah great to catch up with you again. I think I had to run off before getting into a falming row about the existence of god.


    (Do you sign off on comments? I can’t remember. I once said “Cheers, John” at the end of a phonecall)

  • Reply Sharon

    February 25, 2009, 11:49 am

    Ha John! I pissed my sister off a few times with my big issue discussions! She is just not interested. Well, not to the level I am, but I’m a gobshite.

    See Xbox! Didn’t I tell you everyone thought you were amazing! You did get a great cheer.

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