
Talk to the hand
Talk to the hand, originally uploaded by jbraine.
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No, no, no – not Space SHIP
Space SHEEP! Mmmm, Spacesheep spits Shiraz when squeezed. Mmmmm Space Sheep Shiraz.
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OOPS I married a sketch!
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Book shelf
Might be time to start a new 'book shelf'. bookshelf, originally uploaded by jbraine.
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Another face of the earth
I bought a foot spa a couple of years ago. See I've garnered this odd affliction, where standing still for any amount of time kills my feet and leaves me utterly exhausted and fatigued for hours. Walking isn't a problem....
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A thousand words
Last November Claire Gingerpixel decided that instead of moaning about the lack of non-denominational schools (which is all I manage to do) she'd try and set one up. Fast forward 10 months to the start of September, and there she...
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Random photo
This was meant to be a test post. I'm just testing something...obviously... and went to post a random photo. I really like this photo though specially as it was taken by a 4-year-old just running around with a camera.
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Token for a ride
1ride, originally uploaded by jbraine. Found this 'ride token' in my pocket. It's from Funtasia in Bettystown. Now if I was single and the kinda guy that used cheesey chatup lines... just saying... if!
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I can has your milkz?
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Anna Braine
Quick post on phone from hospital. Anna Elizabeth Braine was born today at 4.44pm. Both girls are fine and we're all over the moon. See flickr photo in sidebar. Update: Some proper photos here: Some more on Flickr:
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