
The Ambassador’s skull
You know that famous anamorphic painting The Ambassadors? I was messing about with it in Flash and it's very easy to show the distorted skull morphing into the image you're supposed to see from an angle. Have a look see.
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Upsy Downy Spinny Roundy
Ever wondered what it would be like to turn part of someone's face upside down and then spin it round and round? I can't think why, but you've come to the right place. See Upsy Downy Spinny Roundy.
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Dance wiv me
You know when you're flicking through your camera and you see two shots that were taken in quick succession and it looks like a little animation and you sit there for a while making the people dance? No!? well I'm...
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This is something I was messing with in work but we never used....
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The Praying Mantis
Not sure what this is. It started out as a sketch (yes that thing on the right there) and turned into what I guess you could call a multimedia doodle (need sound).
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SEMI Finals
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Zoomquilt 2
Can you remember zoomquilt from a few years ago? Well zoomquilt2 is here and it's bigger, badder and better.
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Flash banners
I've been doing lots of flash banners in work recently. Like this and this. Part of me feels dirty. When anyone ever asks me "isn't that ad hilarious!?" I smile and grunt politely while thinking "No. It's an Ad! It's...
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